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The Ford Fairlane. A Look at the Wonder Years

Looking back at the earlier years of the Ford Fairlane takes you back to the day when auto manufacturers brought significant design changes to models year by year…until they realized it wasn’t cost efficient to do so. But if they hadn’t, we wouldn’t have so many models to remember and revere. The brand-new Fairlane came with what everyone knows as the “Fairlane stripe,” which ran front to back, and it…

Corvette and Thunderbird: The Beginning

It wasn’t until the early 1950s that the two biggest American carmakers decided to roll out something that was a departure from the family sedan. In 1953, General Motors unveiled a prototype of a sports car…the Corvette. A little over a year later, Ford revealed their new sports car…the Thunderbird. Both cars were the epitome of cool and were unlike anything either manufacturer had ever rolled out on a showroom…